Agnium Token
Agnium (AGM) token is a cryptocurrency that allows investors safely hold money in their wallets. AGM has 130,000,000 tokens.
You can buy Agnium (AGM) token at:
1)HoneySwap (only Polygon network)
Network: Polygon
Name: Agnium
Symbol: AGM
Decimal: 18
Contract: 0xBF6A90bE79C40DAf52f6ebbDcB2B40BB4ad1f0F4
Our goals:
1) Air Drop
2) Destroy 30% tokens
3) 500 holders
4) Listing on exchanges
5) Listing on CoinMarketCap
6) Air Drop round 2
7) Destroy 50% tokens
8) 1000 holders
9) Destroy 70% tokens
10) 5000 holders

Our contacts
e-mail :
telegram: @STIdun
discord: Agnium#2530
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